Monday, May 3, 2010


"How interesting to trace the history of a single raindrop! It is not long, geologically speaking, as we have seen, since the first raindrops fell on the newborn leafless Sierra landscapes. How different the lot of these falling now! Happy the showers that fall on so fair a wilderness, -scarce a single drop can fail to find a beautiful spot, -on the tops of the peaks, on the shining glacier pavements, on the great smooth domes, on forests and gardens and brushy moraines, plashing, glinting, pattering, laving." (My First Summer in Sierra by John Muir)

I really like this passage, it talks about rain, which I believe I have already mentioned that I like. Muir talks about how just one drop has it own place to go to, how it finds just a nice place to land on. Like how the raindrop knows exactly where and how it will land, whether it will splash or just sit on it's destination. Muir also talks about how each place the rain falls is so beautiful, like the rain has a variety of beautiful places to fall.
I also enjoyed how he describes showers as Happy, he gives a substance feelings and makes it more humanized. Muir in just this passage, manages to give so much detail and feelings, he puts his whole passion into his words, making his work seem almost like poetry.

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