Monday, May 3, 2010


"He was camped in a sandy basin below the crest of the ridge, surrounded by juniper and pinyon pine, out of sight of all but the birds. Nearby were tire tracks in the sand, where Seldom Seen Smith had turned his truck around last night, as the old moon came up.
Waiting for his water to boil, Hayduke tore a bough from the nearest juniper and swept away the tire tracks to where they disappeared onto the sandstone. Returning, he distributed pine needles over the disturbed sand. Hard to hide anything in this ***damned desert. The desert speaks with many tongues, some forked."

I picked this passage because it was very vivid. I could actually see what was happening. Plus the part about the tire tracks reminded me of when we went to the last excursion and as we were driving on the dirt road we could see the tire tracks of previous vehicles. It was interesting to see all those different tire tracks, some were more imbedded into the mud while others, maybe older, were barely on the surface.
The use of the pine needles and the juniper tree was interesting too. He used the environment around him to help cover up his tracks. With the help of the juniper branch he erased the evidence and with the pine needles he was able to futher cover up that anyone was there.
I also liked the part, "The desert speaks with many tongues, some forked." Like how the desert has many different things and how some of those things can be dangerous or uninviting.

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